J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies


A journey to a sacred place or holy shrine.

Phoney War

Name given to the first six months of World War Two when there was very little action.

Peter’s Pence

A sum of money that was paid annually to Rome from the reign of William I until Henry VIII made himself Head of the Church in England.


To divide something into different parts.


The representative body of a country or state that has the power to make laws and to govern.


The local church community.


The parapet was the name given to the front wall of a trench - that is, the wall nearest to the enemy. It would often be strengthened with wood and then covered with sandbags. The sandbags protected the heads of the men standing on the fire step from rifle fire.


The parados was the name given to the back wall of the trench - that is, the wall farthest away from the enemy. It would often be strengthened with wood and then covered with sandbags.

Papal Dispensation

These are issued by the Catholic Church and exempt people from ecclesiastical law or from their obligation to God. In Medieval times people could buy a papal dispensation to 'wash away their sins'.

Papal Curia

The official assembly of the Catholic Church in Rome. It was presided over by the Pope.

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