J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies


A person or group selected to govern in place of a monarch or other ruler who is absent, disabled, or still in minority


A 16th century movement in Western Europe that aimed at reforming some doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. It resulted in the establishment of the Protestant churches.


To improve by making change.

Red Cross

An international organisation that cares for the wounded, sick, and homeless in wartime, according to the terms of the Geneva Convention of 1864. Nowadays this is also during and following natural disasters.


Organised, open and armed resistance against a government or authority.


To cause (a group, party, state, or sect) to become unified (joined) again after being divided.


A large farm where cattle, sheep or horses are raised.


A surprise attack by a small armed force.


A member of a group of English Protestants who in the 16th and 17th centuries believed in strict religious discipline and that churches should be plain and undecorated.


According to the Roman Catholic creed, a place, or a state believed to exist after death, in which the souls of persons are purified of those offenses committed in this life that do not merit eternal damnation, or in which they fully satisfy the justice of God for sins that…

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