J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Bronze Age

A period in history that followed the Stone Age and preceded the Iron Age. People used bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, to make weapons and utensils. There was also an increase in trade between tribal groups.


The practice of seeking to gain an advantage by pushing dangerous events to their limits and hoping that the other party will back down. 


An explosive weapon that detonates on impact, by switch, by timing device or other means.

Bolt Hole

The bolt hole or dug out was built into the sides of a trench. The earth was shored up with wood and the roof often lined with corrugated iron. The men used the bolt hole for protection, eating and sleeping.


A swift, sudden military attack, usually involving both air and land forces. Used with success by Hitler in the early part of World War Two.

Black Hand

Serbian terrorist group who planned and carried out the assassination of Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand, that triggered the outbreak of World War One.


A high ranking church man. Usually in charge of an diocese or region.

Beef Bonanza

Period from 1867 - 1881 when trading in beef was at its height in and those involved in the industry could make large sums of money.


Armed fighting between two opposing groups.


A building, or group of buildings used to house military personnel. The word originates from the Spanish barracas meaning soldiers huts or tents.

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