J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Holy Roman Empire

A federation of European states that began in 962 and continued until 1806. Largely comprised of central and western states the Holy Roman Empire was at its most powerful during the middle ages.

Holy Relic

A piece or part of Jesus' or a saint's body that has survived from the past. In medieval times the Catholic Church often made large sums of money from those who flocked to see the 'piece of Christ's hair, bone or cross' that they had possession of.


A writer, student or scholar of history.


An opinion or belief that differs from the established religion. 


One who is in line to follow another to a position of authority by right of his/her birth.

Habeas Corpus

The legal right to a trial in a court with a judge before imprisonment can take place.

Grand Remonstrance

A list of complaints presented to Charles I by Parliament in November 1641


The process of governing, making laws, controlling finance and being responsible for a town, area or country.


The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty.

Geneva Convention

One of a series of agreements first formulated at an international convention held in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1864, establishing rules for the treatment of prisoners of war, the sick, and the wounded.

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