J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Josef Mengele: What Were the Human Experiments?

Josef Mengele was an anthropologist and SS physician, who is infamous for his inhuman medical experiments on the prisoners in Auschwitz, a Nazi concentration camp. He used to be an assistant to Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, a scientist who did a lot of research on twins, and did his own…

Who Discovered Penicillin?

The discovery of penicillin has pioneered the invention of antibiotics that we take for granted today, but is still saving the lives of thousands of people every day. The person rightly credited for its discovery is sir Alexander Fleming, but the story does not stop there. Without the efforts of…

When was Martin Luther King Born?

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth date is January 15, 1929. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia and was known for being a very passionate civil-rights activist, who had a great impact on the relations between races in the U.S. in the 1950s. He played a great role in creating the…

why did japan attack pearl harbor

Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? A Comprehensive Analysis

Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? After more than 75 years, the question remains for students of the history of World War Two: Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? The attack on Pearl Harbor ranks as the most successful military surprise attack in the early years of combined naval/aerial combat.…

What Was the New Deal?

The "New Deal" got its name from Franklin D. Roosevelt's statement in 1930 from his election campaign during the Great Depression: "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the America people." He held true to his promise, and the new domestic programs that were enacted in…

who invented the television

Who Invented the Television?

There is not an easy answer to who invented the television. The idea of having something that transmits moving images existed long before the first television was built. In the late 19th century, a couple of scientists made pivotal discoveries, without which the first television would not have existed. In…

What Were the Crusades?

The Crusades that were known as "Holy wars," were military campaigns of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. Pope Urban II was the first pope who inspired people to the take part of the first crusade of 1095. The Pope's speech was so motivational; thousands of people took…

What is a Red Scare?

A Red Scare happens when the fear of radical leftism or communism is promoted, often in the media. This form of hysteria has been most prevalent between the 1940's and 1960's, when the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was at its height. Immigrants were treated with…

Why is Guy Fawkes Celebrated?

Also known as Bonfire Night or Firework Night, Guy Fawkes is celebrated every year on the 5th of November in England (and some other countries). The history of Guy Fawkes dates back to 1605, when a group of Catholic extremists planned to assassinate King James I and hopefully get a…

What Was the Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta was the very first form of what we call a constitution today, wherein a formal document, signed by the king, stated that the king had to follow the laws of the land, recognizing that the citizens had rights, too. The Magna Carta was signed by King John…

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