J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

effects of World War 1

Effects of World War 1: What Exactly Were They?

The effects of World War 1 are still being felt a century after its conclusion. It was the deadliest war that involved more countries and was more expensive than any other war before it. The weapons used during WW1 were also more advanced than any previous war, using tanks, submarines,…

What Did James Watt Invent?

Scotsman James Watt is best known for the invention of the steam machine - his invention was the engineering power that made the industrial revolution possible and forever changed the world as we know it. But he didn't actually invent the steam engine as many believe - he was, in…

Yalta Conference – What Exactly Was It and Who Was There?

The Yalta Conference: The Great Meeting As World War II was heading to its end, the Allied leaders, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at Yalta in the second of three meetings of the so-called "Big Three". The Yalta conference had the code name, the Argonaut Conference, and is also sometimes…

industrial revolution working conditions

Industrial Revolution Working Conditions: What Were They Like?

Industrial Revolution Working Conditions: What Were They Like? Industrial Revolution working conditions were extremely dangerous for many reasons, namely the underdeveloped technology that was prone to breaking and even fires, and the lack of safety protocol. But it was dangerous, particularly for reasons of economics: owners were under no regulations…

What is a Representative Democracy and How Does It Work?

A representative democracy is a system where citizens of a country vote for government representatives to handle legislation and ruling the country on their behalf. It is the opposite of direct democracy, where the public gets to vote on laws to be passed and other issues; and autocracy, where a…

When was Julius Caesar Born?

The exact date of Julius Caesar’s birth is not known, but historians claim it to be on July 12 or 13, 100 or 102 BC in Rome. His parents were Gaius Julius Caesar (a praetor) and Aurelia and although he belonged to a noble family, they weren’t very influential or…

Counter Reformation Definition

The counter reformation was started by the Roman Catholic Church in reaction to the Protestant reformation. The main goals of the Counter Reformation were to get church members to remain loyal by increasing their faith, to eliminate some of the abuses the protestants criticised and to reaffirm principles that the…

Who Were the Freedom Riders?

The Freedom Riders originally consisted of a group of 13 activists who fought for civil rights and against the segregation in interstate bus terminals in the American South. The Congress of Racial Equality originally recruited the group of Freedom Riders and they departed from Washington D.C., attempting to make use…

Two Party System Definition

A two-party system is when a country’s politics is dominated by two major parties. One party usually holds the majority in government while the opposition is called the minority party. Other parties do exist in most two-party systems, but there are only two major parties that dominate government. In the…

Who Won the Battle of Bull Run?

The First battle of Bull Run or First Manassas was the first large land battle fought during the Civil War. It ended up a clear victory for the Confederates. Summary of the Battle of Bull Run The conflict took place close to Manassas Junction, Virginia. Around 35,000 Union soldiers marched…

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