J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Famous Women in History

Women have always played an important role in society and have greatly influenced history. Since ancient times women have been leaders of groups of people, maintained peace, inspired wars, made discoveries and changed the lives of others. To come up with a comprehensive list of all women that have shaped…

Why Did Hitler Hate Jews? We Have Some Answers

"Why did Hitler hate Jews?" is a question that has long been asked by many, both laymen and historians. Looking at the horrible way Jews were treated during the Holocaust, Hitler’s hate for them must have been really extreme and apparently there were enough Germans supporting his notion that Jews…

Slavery: When and How Did It End in the U.S.?

Slavery officially ended in the United States on December 6, 1865, after the 13th amendment to the constitution was passed and ratified, abolishing slavery across the nation. The 13th amendment states that nobody should work as a slave or involuntary servant, except if forced by law as punishment for a…

What Was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was caused by the attack on two U.S. destroyers in August 1964, but ended up being the moment of escalation of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. President Johnson asked Congress for permission to increase the presence of the U.S. military in IndoChina and on…

How Many Americans Died in WW1?

America only joined World War 1 late in the conflict (1917) and most of its early support involved providing supplies, arms and other products to Allies.  In the end, around 4,000,000 soldiers were mobilized and 116,708 American military personnel died during World War 1 from all causes (influenza, combat and…

Who Killed Franz Ferdinand?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, was the event that started World War 1. The assassination was planned by a group of six people (one Bosniak and five Serbs) that were part of the Young Bosnia Movement. Danilo Ilic recruited Vaso Čubrilović, Muhamed Mehmedbašić,…

Mein Kampf – What Exactly Was The Infamous Book?

Mein Kampf, which means “My Struggle” or “My Fight” is Hitler’s autobiography in which he outlines his ideology and political plans for Germany. After the failure that was the Beer Hall Putch in which Hitler and a group of men tried to overthrow the Bavarian government, he was sentenced to…

Who Founded the NAACP?

On February 12, 1909, a diverse group of people, whites, blacks and Jews founded the NAACP. Many founders were also part of the Niagra Movement. The goal of the group was to fight for civil rights in the U.S., and many claim that the 1908 Race Riot in Springfield, Illinois…

What Was the Purpose of the Gallipoli Campaign?

The main purpose of the Gallipoli campaign was to end World War One quickly by creating a new war front that the Turks could not defend. The campaign took place between 25th April 1915 and 9th January 1916 and is considered to have been a great failure for the Allied…

why did the league of nations fail

Why Did the League of Nations Fail? Here Are Some Answers

Why did the League of Nations fail? Here we provide some comprehensive answers. Why did the League of Nations fail? Why did the League of Nations fail? The League of Nations was the first intergovernmental organization that was established after World War 1 in order to try and maintain peace.…

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