J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Was Richard Nixon Impeached?

Richard Nixon was never impeached, not because there were no impeachment proceedings against him, but because he resigned the presidency at the near-certain prospect of losing the impeachment vote and being removed from office. Nixon served as president of America between 1969 and 1974 and was, to date, the only…

What is Fascism?

The label "Fascism" is used to describe any movement or political ideology inspired by Benito Mussolini's Italian Fascism. As a rule, Fascism is associated with dictatorship or a strict hierarchical, authoritarian structure where the state gets total control. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini's beliefs are two prime examples of what…

When was the Vietnam War?

Although the history of Vietnam has been dominated by war for 30 years of the 20th century, the conflict escalated during the sixties. When we talk about the "Vietnam War" (which the Vietnamese refer to as the "American War"), we talk about the military intervention by the U.S. that happened…

Was Bill Clinton Impeached?

Bill Clinton was indeed impeached by the House of Representatives, but the senate did not come to the necessary 2/3 majority agreement to fully process it, so he was acquitted. Initially, four impeachment articles were brought against president Clinton: two perjury charges, one charge of abuse of power and one…

When Did the Civil War End?

The Civil War, which many refer to as the four bloodiest years in American history, came to an end in the spring of 1865, when Robert E. Lee and the last, major Confederate army surrendered at the Appomattox Courthouse to Ulysses S. Grant on April 9. Lee was actually not planning…

Where was Adolf Hitler Born?

Interestingly enough, Adolf Hitler was not born in Germany, but in a small village in Austria, Braunau am Inn. The building where he was born has been used as a workshop, school, library, home for the disabled and a bank through the years, but as of 2014 there are plans…

Famous Speeches in History

Throughout the ages politicians have used the power of a passionate speech to encourage and motivate people to their cause. Although we may remember quotes from some of the greatest speeches, the most famous ones are not only known for what was said, but what was accomplished. Socrates: "The Unexamined…

what started ww2

What Started WW2? A Look At The Causes

What Started WW2? Military Causes Although a variety of different factors caused World War Two, the main event and the trigger for what started WW2 was Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939. "The Causes of World War 2" For the full "History Unplugged" podcast, click here! Of course the…


Five Cool Facts about U.S. Presidents

Theodore Roosevelt Gave a Speech with a Bullet in his Chest Theodore Roosevelt is one of the most badass presidents to ever step foot inside the White House. He was a policeman, cowboy, boxer and soldier. He went head to head with business giants such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Morgan.…


8 Amazing Spy Gadgets Used During the Cold War

Spying became an integral part of the Cold War. Both sides went out of their way to acquire as much knowledge as they could about each other. While Hollywood has romanticized the whole image of espionage, the real thing is far from romantic. It is a dangerous cat and mouse…

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