J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

why was the storming of bastille important

Why Was the Storming of the Bastille Important?

Why was the storming of the Bastille important? On 14 July 1789, when the Bastille in Paris, France was stormed it only housed seven old prisoners, none of which were politically important. There were even plans to close down the prison because it was so costly to maintain, for such…

Was Robin Hood Real?

The English folk tales about Robin Hood, a popular figure who robbed the rich to give to the poor along with his merry men have entertained and inspired many throughout the ages, but was this character actually based on a real, historical person? A common Name Although many do think…

How did Mussolini Die?

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini died on April 28, 1945 at 61 years of age, by tyrannicide in front of a firing squad. This Italian politician used to rule Italy as Prime Minister, obeying the constitution until 1925 when he denied democracy and became a dictator. Mussolini is known as one…

How did Christopher Columbus Die? We Have The Answer!

Christopher Columbus, the first European to discover the Americas after the Vikings colonized parts of Newfoundland and Greenland, died not knowing that he had discovered a whole new continent. He also did not die during one of his sea voyage adventures, but fairly comfortable, although miserable, at home in Spain.…

Weapons Used in the Civil War

Historians often refer to the Civil War as the first "modern" war because it made use of the most advanced warfare and technology that was available during that time. The Civil War also lead to a couple of military innovations, including the Minie ball, rifling of gun barrels, mass production…

What was the Oregon Trail?

The Oregon Trail (also known as the Oregon-California trial) was a 2,200 mile route stretching from Missouri to Oregon that was traveled by the early Wild West pioneers in the 1800s. The trail was the only way for settlers to reach the West Coast via land and over 500,000 have…

reasons for westward expansion

Reasons for Westward Expansion

What were the reasons for Westward expansion? Ever since the first pioneers settled in the United States at the East , the country has been expanding westward. When President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from the French government in 1803, it doubled the size of the existing United States.…

What is the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. foreign policy that was established in 1823 by President James Monroe. The doctrine states that, if any external political powers would try to interfere in the Americas (North and South), it could be regarded as a hostile act against the United States. Context By…

Who Won the Battle of Shiloh?

Although Shiloh means "Place of Peace," the Battle of Shiloh, or Battle of Pittsburg Landing was one of the bloodiest fought during the Civil War. The battle was fought over two days and what looked to be a Confederate victory, ended in the Union's favor. Surprise Attack In order to…

When Was the Declaration of Independence Written?

The Declaration of Independence, which became one of the most important documents in American history, wasn't written on a single date, but rather over a period of time between June 11 and July 4, 1776. The document is an announcement that the thirteen American colonies now regard themselves as sovereign,…

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