Columbia Make Cuba Free
Words by Frank Van Cauwenbergh
Music arr. by M.C. Thayer
Published 1898

Columbia, don't let thy spotless banner,
The Stars and Stripes, be trodden down by Spain;
Thy sons stand ready to defend thy honor,
And to avenge the martyrs of the Maine
From north to south thy legions onward moving,
The bugle calls to war on land and sea;
The holy cause they God will bless from heaven,
Defend thy rights, and make the Cubans free.

The captives from Cabanas
Hail thy sweet liberty;
Thy sons under they banner
Will make my country free;
Thy sons under thy banner
Will make my country free.

Columbia, as civilized nation,
Hear my appeal, be kind and generous;
To thee the slave owes his emancipation.
In my distress I call on thy heroes;
My children starved, murdered or enslaved.
My soil laid waste and my defenders slain,
From all my wealth and harvest rich bereaved.
Columbia, deliver me from Spain!

[repeat chorus]

Columbia, my struggling sons inspire,
And fill their hearts with love for liberty;
Thy magic name has set their ranks on fire.
The struggle's on, we will be dead or free.
The hour is past where Spain by persecution
May in abjection rule us with her law;
Cuba will have her own free constitution,
Under they wings, O free Columbia!

[repeat chorus]