J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies



In their Attack and Die, McWhiney and Jamieson provided incomplete statistics on soldiers killed and wounded (not missing or captured) in Lee’s army and its opponents. In the Civil War Casualties they included, Lee’s army killed and wounded 134,602 (15.4%) of the enemy while having 121,042 (20.2%) of their own killed or wounded. Lee’s 20.2 percent killed and wounded rate was the highest among the major Confederate generals—exceeding Braxton Bragg’s 19.5 percen t and John Bell Hood’s 10.2 percent (McWhiney and Jamieson, Attack and Die, pp. 19–22).

The final table in this appendix contains my estimates of the warlong total civil war casualties incurred and imposed by Lee’s armies when they were under his command and control. This summary table reveals that Lee’s army imposed 240,322 civil war casualties on the enemy while incurring 208,922. Thus, Lee’s soldiers imposed 31,400 more casualties on their opponents than they suffered themselves.


Appendices I and II facilitate a comparison of the casualty records of Grant and Lee. Lee’s army incurred 55,280 more casualties than Grant’s armies (208,922 versus 153,642). Lee’s army imposed 49,562 more casualties on the enemy than Grant’s armies imposed on their enemies (240,322 versus 190,760). Grant’s armies had a positive casualty balance versus their opponents of 37,118 (190,760 minus 153,642), while Lee’s army had a positive balance of 31,400 (240,322 minus 208,922).

Thus, their records are somewhat similar except that Lee, supposedly on the strategic defensive and fighting for a manpowershort Confederacy, exceeded Grant’s casualties by more than 55,000.


[Unless otherwise noted, the numbers are the total of killed and wounded on each side. An asterisk (*) indicates the number includes missing and captured, as well as killed and wounded. “Missing” includes captured unless indicated otherwise. The term “k&w” means killed and wounded.]


Source Confederate Union
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances c. 1,400* 361*
Current, Encyclopedia 1,484* 361*
Eicher, Longest Night 1,484* 49 killed
207 wounded
207 wounded
Fox, Regimental Losses 49 killed
207 wounded
105 missing
Freeman, R. E. Lee 1,350* 361*
Fuller, Grant and Lee 1,484* 49 killed
(9.1% k&w) 207 wounded
105 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants c. 1,400
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia c. 1,475* 361*
Konstam, Seven Days Nearly 1,500 360
Livermore, Numbers 1,484* 49 killed
207 wounded
105 missing
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 1,400 360
McPherson, Atlas 1,484* 361*
Robertson, Jackson Almost 1,500* c. 375*

GAINES’ [GAINES’S] MILL (June 27, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Lost Victories 8,000+ k&w 4,000 k&w
2,380 missing
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances c. 8,700 k&w 6,837*
Current, Encyclopedia 8,751* 6,837*
Eicher, Longest Night 8,751* 894 killed
3,107 wounded
2,836 missing
Fox, Regimental Losses 894 killed
3,107 wounded
2,836 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 8,000* 6,837*
Freeman, R. E. Lee 8,000+* 894 killed
3,107 wounded
2,836 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 8,751* 894 killed
(15.3% k&w) 3,107 wounded
2,836 missing
(11.7% k&w)
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia c. 8,750* 6,837*
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 589+ killed 894 killed
(incomplete Confederate reports) 2,671+ wounded 3,107 wounded
24+ missing 2,836 missing
Konstam, Seven Days 1,483 killed 894 killed
6,402 wounded 3,114 wounded
108 missing 2,829 missing
Livermore, Numbers 8,751* 894 killed
3,107 wounded
2,836 missing
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 8,700 4,100
McPherson, Atlas 8,750* 6,837*
Thomas, Lee 7,993* 6,837*

GARNETT’S FARM (June 27, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances c. 200* 105 k&w
13 missing

GOLDING’S [GARNETT’S] FARM (June 28, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances 182* 6–7*
Fox, Regimental Losses 37 killed
227 wounded
104 missing


Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 80 killed
412 wounded
1,098 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia c. 500* c. 1,000*
Konstam, Seven Days 473* 1,038 k&w
2,500 captured
Thomas, Lee 444* 914*


Source Confederate Union
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances c. 3,500* c. 2,800*
Current, Encyclopedia 3,615* 2,853*
Eicher, Longest Night 638 killed 297 killed
2,814 wounded 1,696 wounded
221 missing 1,804 missing
Fox, Regimental Losses 210 killed
1,513 wounded
1,130 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 3,673* 3,797*
(1,800 missing)
Konstam, Seven Days 638 killed 297 killed
2,814 wounded 1,696 wounded
221 missing 1,804 missing
Robertson, Jackson 3,315*
Sears, “Glendale” 638 killed 297 killed
2,814 killed 1,696 wounded
221 missing 1,804 missing
Thomas, Lee 3,673* 3,797*

MALVERN HILL (July 1, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances 5,150 k&w 2,100 k&w
500 missing
Current, Encyclopedia 5,355* 3,214*
Eicher, Longest Night 5,355* 3,214*
397 killed
2,092 wounded
725 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 9.9% k&w 6.0% k&w
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 869 killed 314 killed
4,241 wounded 1,875 wounded
540 missing 818 missing
Keegan, Fields of Battle 1,000+ killed c. 400 killed
4,000+ wounded <2,000
Kendall, “‘Murder’” 5,650* 3,000*
Konstam, Seven Days 5,500* 3,200*
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 5,300* 3,000*
Robertson, Jackson 5,650* 2,825+*
Weigley, American Way of War 5,500*

SAVAGE STATION, GLENDALE, MALVERN HILL (June 29, June 30, and July 1, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Livermore, Numbers 8,602 k&w 724 killed
4,245 wounded
875 missing 3,067 missing

SEVEN DAYS’ BATTLE (June 26–July 1, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Lost Victories 20,168* (25%) 9,796 k&w
Beringer, Why the South 19,739 9,796
(20.7% k&w) (10.7% k&w)
Boritt, Why the Confederacy Lost 20,000+* <16,000*
Bradford, Oxford Atlas 20,000* 16,000*
Burton, Extraordinary Circumstances 3,478 killed 1,734 killed
16,261 wounded 8,062 wounded
875 missing 6,053 missing
Current, Encyclopedia 19,739 9,796
3,286 killed 1,734 killed
15,909 wounded 8,062 wounded
946 missing 6,053 missing
Davis, Stonewall 20,000+
Donald et al., Civil War 21,000* 16,000*
Eicher, Longest Night c. 20,000* c. 16,000*
Esposito, West Point Atlas c. 20,000* c. 16,000*
Foote, Civil War 3,478 killed 1,734 killed
16,261 wounded 8,062 wounded
875 missing 6,053 missing
Fox, Regimental Losses 3,478 killed 1,734 killed
16,261 wounded 8,062 wounded
875 missing 6,053 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 19,195 k&w 1,734 killed
946 missing 8,062 wounded
6,053 missing
Freeman, R. E. Lee 3,286 killed 1,734 killed
15,909 wounded 8,062 wounded
946 missing 6,053 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 3,478 killed 1,734 killed
16,261 wounded 8,062 wounded
875 missing 6,053 missing
(20.7% k&w) (10.7% k&w)
Gallagher, Civil War 20,000+* 16,000+*
Hattaway & Jones, How the North 20,000+* <16,000
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 20,500* (3,500 killed)
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 3,286 killed 1,734 killed
15,909 wounded 8,062 wounded
940 missing 6,053 missing
Konstam, Seven Days 20,614* 16,849*
Livermore, Numbers 3,478 killed 1,734 killed
16,261 wounded 8,062 wounded
875 missing 6,053 missing
McClellan, “Peninsular Campaign” 2,823 killed 1,734 killed
13,703 wounded 8,062 wounded
3,223 missing 6,053 missing
McPherson, Atlas 20,141* 15,849*
McWhiney & Jamieson, Attack 19,739 (20.7%) 9,796 (10.7%)
Nolan, “Demolishing the Myth” 19,739 (20.7%) 9,796 (10.7%)
Phisterer, Statistics 17,583* 1,582 killed
7,709 wounded
5,958 missing
Weigley, American Way of War 3,286 killed
15,909 wounded
946 missing
Woodworth, Civil War Generals 20,614* 15,849*
Author’s Best Estimate 20,000* 16,000*

CEDAR MOUNTAIN (August 9, 1862)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Lost Victories 229 killed 2,381*
1,047 wounded
Civil War Times, Great Battles 1,276* 2,377*
Current, Encyclopedia c. 1,400* c. 2,600*
Esposito, West Point Atlas 1,365* 2,381*
Fox, Regimental Losses 223 killed 314 killed
1,060 wounded 1,445 wounded
31 missing 622 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 229 killed 2,381*
1,047 wounded
Fuller, Grant and Lee 231 killed 314 killed
1,107 wounded 1,445 wounded
594 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 1,341* 314 killed
1,445 wounded
622 missing
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 241 killed 314 killed
1,120 wounded 1,445 wounded
4 missing 622 missing
Livermore, Numbers 231 killed 314 killed
1,107 wounded 1,445 wounded
594 missing
McPherson, Atlas 1,400* 2,500*
Phisterer, Statistics 1,307* 450 killed
660 wounded
290 missing
Author’s Best Estimate: 1,300* 2,400*


Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Lost Victories <9,100 k&w 10,200 k&w
81 missing 7,000 missing
Beringer et al., Why the South 9,108 10,096
(18.8% k&w) (13.3% k&w)
Boritt, Why the Confederacy Lost 9,000* 16,000*
Civil War Times, Great Battles 1,550 killed 1,750 killed
7,750 wounded 8,450 wounded
100 missing 4,250 missing
(17%) (20%)
Cobb, American Battlefields 1,481 killed 1,721 killed
7,627 wounded 8,372 wounded
89 missing 5,958 missing
Current, Encyclopedia 9,108 10,096
c. 9,000* 16,000+*
Esposito, West Point Atlas 9,500* 14,500*
Foote, Civil War 1,481 killed 1,724 killed
7,627 wounded 8,372 wounded
89 missing 5,958 missing
Fox, Regimental Losses 1,481 killed 1,747 killed
7,627 wounded 8,452 wounded
89 missing 4,263 missing
Freeman, R. E. Lee 9,112* 14,462*
Gallagher, Civil War 9,200* (18.4%) 16,000* (21.3%)
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 1,481 killed 1,724 killed
7,627 wounded 8,372 wounded
89 missing 5,958 missing
Hennessy, “Second Manassas” 1,300 killed 1,700 killed
7,000 wounded 8,200 wounded
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 1,553 killed 1,747 killed
7,812 wounded 8,452 wounded
109 missing 4,263 missing
McWhiney & Jamieson, Attack 9,108 (18.8%) 10,096 (13.3%)
Nolan, “Demolishing the Myth” 9,108 (19%) 10,096 (13.3%)
Phisterer, Statistics 10,700* 14,800*
Thomas, Lee 9,500* 14,500*
Weigley, American Way of War 9,197* (19%) 16,054* (13%)
Author’s Best Estimate: 9,500* 14,400*

SECOND MANASSAS & CHANTILLY (August 27–September 2, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Eicher, Longest Night 1,481 killed 1,724 killed
7,627 wounded 8,372 wounded
89 missing 5,958 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 1,481 killed 1,724 killed
7,627 wounded 8,372 wounded
89 missing 5,958 missing
(18.7% k&w) (13.2% k&w)
Livermore, Numbers 1,481 killed 1,724 killed
7,627 wounded 8,372 wounded
89 missing 5,958 missing
McPherson, Atlas 9,197* 16,054*

CHANTILLY (September 1, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia c. 500* c.
Phisterer, Statistics 800* 700*
Author’s Best Estimate: 800* 1,300*

HARPER’S FERRY (September 12–15, 1862)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Cobb, American Battlefields 286* 219 k&w
Current, Encyclopedia 39 killed 12,500 captured
247 wounded
44 killed
173 wounded
12,520 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 500* 80 killed
120 wounded
11,583 captured
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 12,419 captured
Hotchkiss, Make Me a Map 11,090 captured
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 44 killed
173 wounded
12,520 captured
McPherson, Atlas 286* 12,500 captured
Phisterer, Statistics 500* 80 killed
120 wounded
11,583 missing
Author’s Best Estimate: 286* 11,783*

CRAMPTON’S GAP (September 14, 1862)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fuller, Grant and Lee 325 killed 325 killed
1,560 wounded 1,403 wounded
800 missing 85 missing
(10.5% k&w) (6.8% k&w)

SOUTH MOUNTAIN (September 14, 1862)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fuller, Grant and Lee 325 killed 325 killed
1,560 wounded 1,403 wounded
800 missing 85 missing
(10.5% k&w) (6.8% k&w)

SOUTH MOUNTAIN & CRAMPTON’S GAP (September 14, 1862)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Current, Encyclopedia 387 killed 438 killed
1,768 wounded 1,821 wounded
1,279 missing 87 missing
Eicher, Longest Night 325 killed 443 killed
1,560 wounded 1,807 wounded
800 missing 75 missing
Fox, Regimental Losses 438 killed
1,821 wounded
87 missing
Gallagher, Civil War (South Mtn. Only) 2,700* 2,300*
Phisterer, Statistics 4,343* 443 killed
1,806 wounded
76 missing
Author’s Best Estimate: 3,434* 2,346*

ANTIETAM/SHARPSBURG (September 17, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Lost Victories c. 1,500 killed 2,108 killed
7,800 wounded 9,450 wounded
1,000 missing 753 missing
(31% casualties)
Bailey, Bloodiest Day 1,546 killed 2,108 killed
7, 752 wounded 9,549 wounded
1,018 missing 753 missing
Beringer et al., Why the South 11,724 11,657
(22.6% k&w) (15.5% k&w)
Black, Seventy Battles 2,700 killed 2,108 killed
9,024 wounded 9,549 wounded
2,000 missing 753 missing
Buell, Warrior Generals 10,000+* 12,000+*
Cobb, American Battlefields 10,318* 12,410*
Cox, Reminiscences 11,172 12,410
Current, Encyclopedia 11,724 11,657
1,546 killed 2,108 killed
7,754 wounded 9,549 wounded
1,018 missing 753 missing
Donald et al., Civil War 10,318* (31%) 12,401*
Eicher, Longest Night 2,700 killed 2,010 killed
9,024 wounded 9,416 wounded
1,043 missing 2,000 missing
Esposito, West Point Atlas c. 13,700* c. 12,350*
Foote, Civil War <11,000* >12,000*
Fox, Regimental Losses 2,108 killed
9,549 wounded
753 missing
Freeman, R. E. Lee 10,700* 12,410*
Fuller, Grant and Lee 2,700 killed 2,108 killed
11,724 wounded 9,549 wounded
c. 2,000 missing 753 missing
(22.6% k&w) (15.5% k&w)
Gallagher, Civil War 10,300+* almost 12,500*
Hattaway & Jones, How the North 13,725* 12,469*
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 14,000* 12,000*
(2,700 killed) (2,100 killed)
1,546 killed 2,108 killed
7,752 wounded 9,540 wounded
1,108 missing 753 missing
(31%) (25%)
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 1,512 killed 2,108 killed
7,816 wounded 9,549 wounded
1,844 missing 753 missing
Livermore, Numbers 2,700 killed 2,108 killed
11,724 wounded 9,549 wounded
c. 2,000 missing 753 missing
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 9,500 11,650
McPherson, Atlas 10,318* 12,401*
McWhiney & Jamieson, Attack 11,724 (22.6%) 11,657 (15.5%)
Nolan, “Demolishing the Myth” 11,724 (22.6%) 11,657 (10.5%)
Phisterer, Statistics 25,899* 2,010 killed
9,416 wounded
1,043 missing
Thomas, Lee 1,546 killed 2,108 killed
7,754 wounded 9,549 wounded
1,018 missing 753 missing
Weigley, American Way of War 13, 724* 12,410*
Woodworth, Davis & Lee c. 11,000* c. 12,000*
Author’s Best Estimate: 11,500* 12,400*

SHEPHERDSTOWN (September 19–20, 1862)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 71 killed
161 wounded
131 missing

MARYLAND CAMPAIGN (September 12–20, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Foote, Civil War 13,609* 27,276*
Fox, Regimental Losses 1,886 killed
9,348 wounded
1,367 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 13,609 or more* 27,767*
Freeman, R. E. Lee 13,609*
Weigley, American Way of War 13,724* 23,410*

FREDERICKSBURG (December 13, 1862)

Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Lost Victories 5,309* 12,647*
Beringer et al., Why the South 4,656 10,884
(6.4% k&w) (10.9% k&w)
5,300* 12,500*
Bradford, Oxford Atlas 5,300* 12,600*
Cobb, American Battlefields 5,300* 12,600*
Current, Encyclopedia <5,000* <13,000*
Donald et al., Civil War 600 killed 1,284 killed
5,300* 9,600 wounded
Eicher, Longest Night 595 killed 1,284 killed
4,061 wounded 9,600 wounded
653 missing 1,769 missing
Esposito, West Point Atlas 5,000+* 10,000+*
Foote, Civil War 4,201* 12,653*
Fox, Regimental Losses 596 killed 1,284 killed
4,068 wounded 9,600 wounded
651 missing 1,769 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 4,201*
Freeman, R. E. Lee 5,309* 12,653*
Fuller, Lee and Grant 595 killed 1,284 killed
4,061 wounded 9,600 wounded
653 missing 1,769 missing
(6.4% k&w) (10.3% k&w)
Gallagher, Civil War 5,300* 12,650*
Hattaway & Jones, How the North 5,309* 12,653*
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 4,201* 12,653*
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 608 killed 1,284 killed
4,116 wounded 9,600 wounded
653 missing 1,769 missing
Jones, Right Hand 5,300* 12,600*
Livermore, Numbers 595 killed 1,284 killed
4,061 wounded 9,600 wounded
653 missing 1,769 missing
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 1,750 7,700
McWhiney & Jamieson, Attack 4,656 (6.4%) 10,884 (10.9%)
Nichols, Reynolds 5,309* 12,653*
Phisterer, Statistics 4,576* 1,180 killed
9,028 wounded
2,145 missing
Thomas, Lee 5,377* 12,653*
(4,700 k&w) (11,000 k&w)
Weigley, American Way of War 5,300* 12,700*
Author’s Best Estimate: 4,201* 12,653*

KELLY’S FORD (March 17, 1863)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 11 killed 6 killed
88 wounded 50 wounded
34 missing 22 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 133* 78*
Author’s Best Estimate: 133* 78*


Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Fighting for the Confederacy 1,665 killed 1,575 killed
9,081 wounded 9,594 wounded
2,018 missing 5,676 missing
Alexander, Lost Victories 13,156* 16,804*
Beringer et al., Why the South 10,746 11,116
(18.7% k&w) (11.4% k&w)
12,700* (21%) 16,800 (15%)
Bradford, Oxford Atlas 12,800* 17,300*
Cobb, American Battlefields 12,821* 17,278*
Current, Encyclopedia 10,746* 11,116*
c. 13,000* c. 18,000*
Eicher, Longest Night 1,665 killed 1,606 killed
9,081 wounded 9,762 wounded
2,018 missing 5,919 missing
Esposito, West Point Atlas 13,000* 17,000*
Fox, Regimental Losses 1,665 killed 1,606 killed
9,081 wounded 9,762 wounded
2,018 missing 5,919 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 1,683 killed
9,277 wounded
2,196 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 18.7% k&w 11.4% k&w
Gallagher, Civil War 12,674* 17,287*
Hattaway & Jones, How the North 1,665 killed 1,606 killed
9,081 wounded 9,762 wounded
2,018 missing 5,919 missing
(21%) (15%)
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 13,000* 18,000*
Hess, “Spades” 13,460* 17,304*
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 1,649 killed 1,606 killed
9,106 wounded 9,762 wounded
1,708 missing 5,919 missing
Livermore, Numbers 1,665 killed 1,575 killed
9,081 wounded 9,594 wounded
2,018 missing 5,676 missing
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 11,100 10,750
McPherson, Atlas 14,000* 17,000*
McWhiney & Jamieson, Attack 10,746 (18.7%) 11,116 (11.4%)
Nichols, Reynolds 12,821* 17,278*
Nolan, “Demolishing the Myth” 10,746 (18.7%) 11,116 (11.4%)
Phisterer, Statistics 12,281* 1,512 killed
9,518 wounded
5,000 missing
Weigley, American Way of War <13,000* >17,000*
Author’s Best Estimate: 12,764* 17,287*

BRANDY STATION/BEVERLY FORD (June 9, 1863)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Carhart, Lost Triumph 500* 900*
Current, Encyclopedia 51 killed 1,651*
250 wounded
132 missing
Fox, Regimental Losses 51 killed 81 killed
250 wounded 403 wounded
132 missing 382 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 525* 935*
Phisterer, Statistics 700* 500*
Trudeau, Gettysburg c. 523* 866*
Author’s Best Estimate: 523* 866*

WINCHESTER (June 13–15, 1863)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 47 killed 95 killed
219 wounded 348 wounded
3 missing 4,000 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 269* 4,000 captured
Phisterer, Statistics 850* 3,000*
Author’s Best Estimate: 269* 4,443*

ALDIE, MIDDLEBURG, UPPERVILLE (June 10–24, 1863) (Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 65 killed 78 killed
279 wounded 307 wounded
166 missing 228 missing
Author’s Best Estimate: 510* 613*

HANOVER, PENNSYLVANIA (June 30, 1863)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 9 killed 19 killed
50 wounded 73 wounded
58 missing 123 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia c. 150* under 200
Author’s Best Estimate: 150* 200*

GETTYSBURG (July 1–3, 1863)

Source Confederate Union
Alexander, Fighting for the Confederacy 3,072 killed 2,592 killed
14,497 wounded 12,709 wounded
5,434 missing 5,150 missing
Beringer et al., Why the South 22,638 k&w 17,684 k&w
(30.2% k&w) (21.2% k&w)
28,000* (33%) 23,000* (20%)
Black, Seventy Battles Up to 28,000* 23,000*
Boritt, Why the Confederacy Lost c. 28,000* 23,000*
Bradford, Oxford Atlas 29,000+* 23,000+*
Civil War Times, Great Battles 3,903 killed 3,564+ killed
18,735 wounded 14,529 wounded
5,425 missing 5,365 missing
Cobb, American Battlefields c. 28,063* 23,000+*
22,638* 17,684*
(Incomplete totals: 3,155 killed
4,427 killed 14,529 wounded
12,179 wounded 5,365 missing
5,592 missing)
c. 28,000
Donald et al., Civil War 28,000* 23,000*
Eicher, Longest Night c. 28,000+* 3,149 killed
although reported as: 14,503 wounded
4,637 killed 5,161 missing
12,391 wounded
5,846 missing
Esposito, West Point Atlas almost 28,000* 23,049*
Foote, Civil War 25,000-28,000* 3,155 killed
(Reported by Lee as: 14,529 wounded
2,592 killed 5,365 missing
12,709 wounded
5,150 missing)
12,227 recorded
as captured in
Union records
(see note)
Fox, Regimental Losses 2,592 killed 3,070 killed
12,706 wounded 14,497 wounded
5,150 missing 5,434 missing
Freeman, Lieutenants 2,592 killed 3,155 killed
12,709 wounded 14,529 killed
5,150 missing 5,365 missing
(Official reports inconsistent with 12,227 reported as captured by Union)
Fuller, Lee and Grant 3,903 killed 3,155 killed
18,735 wounded 14,529 wounded
5,425 missing 5,365 missing
(30.1% k&w) (20.0% k&w)
 Hattaway & Jones, How the North 23,049* 28,063*
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 23,000* 20,000*
(2,500 killed) (3,000 killed)
28,000* 3,149 killed
14,501 wounded
5,157 missing
Johnson & Buel, Battles and Leaders 2,592 killed 3,072 killed
12,709 wounded 14,497 wounded
5,150–12,227 5,434 missing
missing (see note)
Livermore, Numbers 3,903 killed 3,155 killed
18,735 wounded 14,529 wounded
5,425 missing 5,365 missing
(see note)
McPherson, Atlas 20,000-28,000* 23,000*
McWhiney & Jamieson, Attack 22,638 (30.2%) 17,684
(21.2%) Nichols, Reynolds 20,000+*
Nofi, Gettysburg 28,500* 23,050*
Nolan, “Demolishing the Myth” 22,638 (30.2%) 17,684 (21.2%)
Official Records 2,592 killed 3,155 killed
12,709 wounded 14,529 killed
5,150 missing 5,365 missing
(Official reports inconsistent with 12,227 reported as captured by Union)
Phisterer, Statistics 31,621* 2,834 killed
13,709 wounded
6,643 missing
Thomas, Lee Perhaps 28,000*
Trudeau, Gettysburg 22,874* 22,813*
Weigley, American Way of War c. 23,000*
Author’s Best Estimate: 28,000* 23,000*


Source Confederate Union
Lowe, “Field Fortifications” 5,600 1,500
Nichols, Reynolds Almost 10,000
Nofi, Gettysburg 6,500*(60%) 1,500 (25%)


Source Confederate Union
Carhart, Lost Triumph 250* 30 killed
149 wounded
75 missing


Source Confederate Union
Alexander, “Ten Days” 5,000+* 1,000+*
Fox, Regimental Losses 34 killed 99 killed
195 wounded 379 wounded
241 missing 356 missing
Author’s Best Estimate: 5,000* 1,000*


Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 76 killed
224 wounded
95 missing

BRISTOE STATION (October 14, 1863)(Lee not present)

Source Confederate Union
Berkoff, “Botched Battle” 1,302* 331*
Current, Encyclopedia <1,400* <600*
Fox, Regimental Losses 136 killed 50 killed
797 wounded 335 wounded
445 missing 161 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia c. 1400* 546*
McPherson, Atlas 1,360* 350*
Author’s Best Estimate: 1,378* 546*

KELLY’S FORD (November 7, 1863)

Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 359* 6 killed
50 wounded
22 missing


Source Confederate Union
Fox, Regimental Losses 1,674* 83 killed
328 wounded
6 missing


Source Confederate Union
Current, Encyclopedia 2,023* 264*
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia almost 2,000* 400*
McPherson, Atlas 1,800 captured
Weigley, American Way of War 2,023* 419*
Welsh, Dual Disasters 2,000+* 419*
Author’s Best Estimate: 2,000* 400*

MINE RUN (Nov. 27–December 1, 1863)

Source Confederate Union
Current, Encyclopedia 601* 1,653*
Foote, Civil War 629* 1,653*
Fox, Regimental Losses 110 killed 173 killed
570 wounded 1,099 wounded
65 missing 381 missing
Fuller, Grant and Lee 110 killed 173 killed
570 wounded 1,099 wounded
65 missing 381 missing
Heidler & Heidler, Encyclopedia 545* 950*
Livermore, Numbers 110 killed 173 killed
570 wounded 1,099 wounded
65 missing 381 missing
Phisterer, Statistics 500* 100 killed
400 wounded
Author’s Best Estimates: 601* 1,653*

POST-GETTYSBURG CASUALTIES IN 1863 (July 4–December 31, 1863)

Source Confederate Union
Foote, Civil War 4,255* 4,406*


Since Lee and Grant fought head-to-head in 1864 and 1865, the statistics for those years apply equally to Lee and Grant. See the Grant numbers in Appendix I for detailed numbers that also apply to Lee. The following are the author’s best estimates of the Leeand Grant-related civil war casualties for those years.

Source Confederate Union
WILDERNESS (May 5–7, 1864) 11,125* 17,666*
(May 8–21, 1864) 13,421* 18,399*
(May 23–June 1, 1864)
(Lee present at North Anna only) 3,766* 3,986*
(May 31–June 12, 1864) 4,595* 12,737*
(June 15–18,1864)
(Lee not present) 4,000* 11,386*
(June 15, 1864–April 3, 1865) 28,000* 42,000*
(April 2–9, 1865) 41,666 10,780


Campaign/Battle Total Confederate Casualties Total Union Casualties
Seven Days’ 20,000* 16,000*
Cedar Mountain 1,300* 2,400*
Second Manassas 9,500* 14,400*
Chantilly 800* 1,300*
Harper’s Ferry 286* 11,783*
Crampton’s Gap & South Mountain 3,434* 2,346*
Antietam/Sharpsburg 11,500* 12,400*
Fredericksburg 4,201* 12,653*
Kelly’s Ford 133* 78*
Chancellorsville 12,764* 17,287*
Brandy Station 523* 866*
Winchester (June 1863) 269* 4,443*
Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville 510* 613*
Hanover 150* 200*
Gettysburg 28,000* 23,000*
Retreat from Gettysburg 5,000* 1,000*
Bristoe Station 1,378* 546*
Kelly’s Ford & Rappahannock Stn 2,000* 400*
Mine Run 601* 1,653*
Wilderness 11,125* 17,666*
Spotsylvania Court House 13,421* 18,399*
North Anna River, etc. 3,766* 3,986*
Cold Harbor 4,595* 12,737*
Petersburg Assaults 4,000* 11,386*
Petersburg 28,000* 42,000*
Siege/Campaign 41,666* 10,780*
Appomattox Campaign

TOTALS (killed, wounded, missing/captured) 208,922* 208,922*


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