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There were so many great famous speeches by women that have made an impact on the world, that it is hard to single out a few. Here are some examples of excellent speeches by women that made people think.

“Aint I a Woman?”

Sojourner Truth, a born slave woman, delivered this speech in 1851 at the Women’s Convention in Akron, Ohio. The speech was featured in two newspapers back then, but has become one of the most famous speeches by a woman. Sojourner was a very active anti-slavery speaker in her time and has paved the road for both slaves and women in America.


“Our Girls”

In the 1870s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “Our Girls” speech was heard often by girls all across the U.S. She inspired girls to get an education for self development and the ability to earn an income, if necessary. Both her own daughters went to college, something that was not common at the time.

“Is it a Crime for a U.S. Citizen to Vote?”

Susan B. Anthony delivered this speech after being arrested for voting illegally during a presidential election. Women were not allowed to vote in 1872 and she was fined $100 for doing so, which she refused to pay.

The “Iron Lady” Speech

British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher delivered her “Iron Lady” speech during the Cold War. This speech on the British foreign policy sparked the nickname that she carried for the rest of her career. She often made jokes about it in other speeches.

Address to the Tilbury Troops

While the British were waiting for the Spanish Armada at Tilbury in 1588, Elizabeth addressed them in a powerful speech to motivate and inspire to bravery. She told them that she was a weak woman, but had the heart of a king and would, herself, be their general.

“10 Commandments on Vietnam”

In this speech, Coretta Scott King continued the legacy of her husband Martin Luther King, Jr., who was very much against war.

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